Danger: 2025

More on the overhaul, and what the future may hold.

To quote a famous frog, “Looks like we’ve come to the end of another one!”

As I said earlier, I’m giving this site a complete overhaul. Why? Because I want to level up my blog game. I know that I have said, many times, that I was going to make this blog more active. And so far I have generally failed to do so. But once again I am going to make the attempt. But this time something is different. This year I feel that I’m in a different head-space. I actually feel that I can make a difference, however small, and more importantly I feel that I must try. I just have to keep with it. I’ve been setting up a schedule for posting and editing, and so far I think I can work with it. Why am I in a different head-space this year? There are several possible factors, but that absolute dumpster fire of an election in November was probably the final push. A lot of things in this world need to change.

What is changing on this site? Again, most of the changes will be invisible to visitors, as they are focused on web maintenance, enabling RSS features, and security issues. One thing that has been mentioned to me has been the insecure nature of the site. My first task was to speak with my internet service provider, Ionos, and rectify this. The site now has a secure certificate to keep black hats at a distance.

I have also worked out a few kinks related to the RSS feed, so that folks who use this feature should find it a smoother ride. Near the bottom of the meta tag area in the sidebar, are the options “entries feed” and “comments feed.” Those are the RSS links, and tests have gone well. I will confess that I don’t fully understand how RSS feeds work, as I’ve never made much use of them. But that’s my problem.

I’ve enabled some sharing options for those who like to share stuff on Facebook, Pinterest, and the like. The icons appear at the bottom of each post, right above the index keywords. My own use of social media is sporadic, so I’ve only enabled a few of the major ones. I suspect I’ll be tinkering with this one a bit. If someone brings a specific platform to my attention, I’ll look into it.

The next thing I’m going to look into is finding some sponsors. I recently read some articles by professional blogger Taylor Stanford about how to do things like this. She apparently has managed to turn her blog into a thriving business that pulls in several thousand dollars a month. That’s very encouraging, and it would be nice. But realistically, my aspirations are far more modest. I’ll consider this effort successful it I’m able to offset the costs of maintaining the web presence and email service my family uses. Which isn’t that expensive, all things considered. We’ll see how that goes.

Now, regarding the content of this site. I still want to address issues that relate to neurodivergent folks, more now than ever. The more I scoot around the net, the more I read about people who are part of this misunderstood club. If I can be of some help to these folks, and/or the people in their lives, that would be great.

My current plan is to make the neurodivergent stuff the main attraction, but I will also include some lighter stuff. News related to my family, especially places we visit, will certainly show up. I find those fun to write, especially if the location is esoteric and not well known. I will also have the occasional foray into computer stuff, some more space exploration tidbits, and perhaps even some contraptions from my infamous Erector set.

What I will not include, if I can help it, is political stuff. I don’t feel that political ranting is appropriate for this site any more. In recent years politics has forced itself to the front and center of many people’s lives, and it’s not pleasant! I won’t be adding to the glut of web-based political commentary, at least not here, unless the topic relates directly to neurodivergency. I’ve archived the bulk of my political essays, so if you go looking for one you aren’t likely to find it. I’ll restore them if they are requested, but otherwise they are staying in deep storage. I may have also found a different forum for political ranting, should it ever be necessary for me to do so.

In closing, I have to say that my outlook for 2025 is very guarded. Some frightening changes are approaching, and you probably know what I’m referring to. Namely, a certain “project.” I won’t go into specifics. But I’m very concerned about the effects it may have on those of us who see the world through a slightly different lens.

There are dangerous roads ahead.

The header image came from Shutterstock, though I tweaked it within an inch of its life.

Renovation 2025

Pardon our dust.

This site is currently undergoing an overhaul to accommodate some new ideas and features. Visitors aren’t likely to notice much of a difference, as most of these changes are back-end related settings. Some content has been removed, as I no longer feel it appropriate to this type of site. I will explain more later, after I’m done wrestling with some configuration files.

Unix. Gotta love it.

New year, new blog focus

As a famous frog once said, “It looks like we’ve come to the end of another one…”

It’s a new year, and we’re still here. What the upcoming year will bring is anyone’s guess. Personally, I’m nervous about the elections late in the year. As a citizen of the United States I’m unhappy with some of the trends I see, and I’m downright terrified that so many people are very happy with these same trends. With luck I’ll go into that later.

Right now I want to talk about this blog site. Sometimes it drives me crazy. For the past few years I have tried to follow a pattern of one article a week, but can never maintain it. I have considered shutting this thing down, on several occasions. But I keep holding on to it, even though my apparent inability to regularly update it is causing me anxiety. So this year I’m not going to attempt a regular schedule. I will put up an article when I feel compelled to write about something. If that turns out to be once a week, great. But I’m skeptical. I tend to write when I have something to say, and that doesn’t always follow a timetable. That’s been the schedule I’ve effectively been following, so that won’t change. I now think that part of my problem is a lack of a consistent theme. Most content creators, even tiny ones like me, tend to focus on one topic, or a small group of closely related topics. Until now I haven’t been doing that.

One issue I have had, especially during 2023, was that I wanted to address topics that would have caused some real-world problems. Topics that, had they been breached through this online forum, would have been completely inappropriate. Sometimes they dealt with personal issues that simply shouldn’t be talked about online, other times they involved other people in my life that wanted to handle things their own way, and sometimes I was not in a state of mind that was conducive to writing. In the long run it probably doesn’t matter what my reasons were. However, some of those issues have since fallen away. One thing that has changed is that during the past year I have learned several things about myself and the world around me. My last major set of articles followed my stormy career path, and how it came to a pitiful end. That period of introspection turned over a lot of rocks.

I am considered neurodivergent. Which is to say, I see the world, and everything in it, through a lens that is very different from what most people see. For starters, I suffer from a variation of post-traumatic-stress-disorder, usually called just PTSD. It’s unlike most cases of PTSD, in that I didn’t go through a highly traumatic, dangerous, or threatening experience that through my entire world for a loop. (Though some of my experiences from my high school years might qualify.) Instead, I endured a long, sustained barrage of low-level stress issues, that over time created in me a response pattern that is in line with PTSD. Instead of facing a big and terrible experience, I faced a constant flow of small ones. Instead of my psyche being messed up by a few blows with a sledgehammer, it was worn down by a sandblaster. My time with the Library of Congress certainly provided that. I think there is a special name for this variant of PTSD, but I don’t remember it, and I don’t want to trust an internet search engine. I’ll ask my therapist when I see them later this week.

It is also very likely that I am on the autistic spectrum. I seem to be on what is considered the functional end of it (whatever that means…), but I have several of the key issues. The most apparent being that I can get over-stimulated and need to isolate myself. If I can’t, I become increasingly agitated and hard to deal with, and eventually I can’t really function at all. I suspect I’ve put Lisa through some pretty terrible phases over the past few years, especially near the end of Michael’s life. The true nature of my neurodivergency is still being determined. But whatever it is, I am a member of that demographic.

Which finally brings me to my point. At this point my late father would be absolutely seething, and thundering “Get to the point!!” Sorry, dad. But sometimes the point makes no sense unless you use beating around the bush to provide context. As a neurodivergent man in his mid-fifties, I may have some insights into this chaotic world that some people may find helpful, or at least comforting. The world can be crazy, and it doesn’t have a lot of patience for people who think differently, or view the world through a different lens. Perhaps I can help a few people with this. I’ll at least try.

That being said, this blog is likely to take on a different tone. I plan to examine some of the less comfortable aspects of neurodivergency, and how it can effect the everyday person. It can worm it’s way into life in ways that one could never imagine, and create a lot of discord. Other times it can provide a different way of looking at things that may not be obvious or apparent. I hope to look into some of these instances. Where possible I’ll use personal experience, and avoid indulging in self-pity. At any rate, it may get pretty dark in here.

So, it’s a new year, and I’m going try doing something different. Let’s turn over some of these rocks.

Update, January 3

Apparently the variation of PTSD that I appear to have is simply called C-PTSD, for “complex post-traumatic stress disorder.” I have two observations on this. First, George Carlin would have had an absolute field day with that collection of buzzwords. Second, I thought it had a fancier name, perhaps with a Latin word in it. I’m actually a tad disappointed. I guess I was overthinking things.

The Ephemeral Constant

Looking back at 2022, and forward to 2023.

Well, it’s that time of year again. The time when we look back at the closing year, and make tentative plans for the upcoming one.

Most people agree that 2022 was an eventful year, especially on the national level. Between the surprising outcome of the mid-term elections and the findings of the January Sixth Committee, the news has never been stagnant. From my perspective, some of the divisive partisan trends seem to be receding, so perhaps the insanity that has defined this country for much of the last decade is coming to a close. I hope that’s the case, though I’m not willing to place any bets on it, and I won’t fully believe it until I see it. But that’s all I want to say about the national political scene today. I’m sure I’ll go back to parts of it in more detail sooner or later.

I’m looking at things on a more personal level. For me, 2022 saw a lot of self-discovery, and re-evaluating a lot of long held beliefs. Most of these were not what would be considered drastic or life changing, because they tended to deal with specific topics and issues. But there were a lot of them, and their cumulative effect has been, shall we say, comprehensive. Social issues that I didn’t give much attention to in the past were pulled to the forefront, and their importance and relevance in many areas is very apparent to me now. Issues with my mental and physical health, which didn’t overly concern me, surprised me (any my family!) in some very unsettling ways. As a result I’m gradually re-arranging many aspects of my life, and am actually starting to take better care of myself. This is also something else I hope to delve into later.

Change is everywhere. There is a cliché expression about change being the only real constant in life. All kidding aside, there is a lot of truth to that. The Buddhist tradition often speaks about how ephemeral the world around us is. The word the core writings like to use is “impermanent.” What seemed like an absolute truth on Monday is written off as a passing illusion by Friday. What seemed like a trivial issue on Saturday turns out to be something of paramount importance the following Tuesday. Elaborate plans made on Tuesday needed to be changed around by Wednesday, re-organized and re-structured again on Thursday, and then postponed or even scrapped on Friday. Day to day events, even small ones, can have lasting effects on our lives in ways we can’t really anticipate, control, or immediately notice. But when we do, the only real option we have is adjust.

One thing to remember is that our perception of things at a specific moment isn’t necessarily wrong. On Monday, we may have a picture perfect take of the world around us, and the plans and reactions we set forth make perfect sense. But by late Tuesday we realize that our plans either need to be adjusted because something changed, or something new entered the picture. We may ask ourselves if we made a “mistake” somewhere, by not anticipating changes, or by not having contingencies for it. But did you actually make a “mistake” on Monday? Could you have anticipated everything that could have happened on Tuesday? Or even events on Monday that you had no way or knowing about, or even have any reason to consider? Could you have possibly anticipated every possible change or had a contingency for every possible variation of every circumstance? Of course not. These new and unknown events are what forced you to re-design Monday’s plans. It doesn’t have anything to do with your life management skills.

So I guess if you’re going to make big plans for the future, it’s a good idea to have flexibility in your overall schedule. Plan things so that the specific day to day details can be adjusted without notice, and allow for flexibility in your timetable, should one detail or project need to go on hold so as to make room for another. If you keep most of your wits about it, you should still eventually reach your final goal. Though you may end up taking a route you didn’t expect.

This idea of impermanence is not an easy one to describe or explain, and I don’t have a good history of dealing with it. One of the things I discovered about my self during the past year, was that I’ve made some downright stupid decisions along the way, and I often didn’t handle change well. Now that I’m more aware of this fact, perhaps this year will be different. For example, once again I hope to update this blog on a weekly basis. I’ve tried this before but never maintained it, but I’m going to try again.

Let’s see what 2023 compels me to talk about.