July 10 – July 21, 2015
In July of 2015, the Culpeper Pugh’s took another major road trip, and as with the previous trip, it was given a silly name. The name “Operation Bullfrog” was dropped in favor of a more exotic animal.
The focus of this trip was the formal wedding of one of Lisa’s cousins from the Chicago area. Most of her extended family planned to arrive about a week before.
The itinerary includes:
- Dayton, Ohio, where we will visit two family graves and an ailing uncle.
- Crystal Lake, Illinois, where Lisa has some family. This would be our local base of operations.
- Chicago, Illinois. Several side trips are planned.
- A visit to the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium on the return trip.
As with some previous trips, Dr. Watson was going to be staying at the Blue Ridge Pet Resort in nearby Rapidan. Weather and travel conditions looked favorable for the entire week, and I didn’t receive any dire news, so things looked positive.