
Happy Birthday, Michael!


On Friday, November 21, 2014, my son Michael turned two years old.

He had a rough start on life. Those of you who know me personally, or see me on Facebook, know about the trials and tribulations he endured during his first year. The invasive surgery, the physical therapy, and so on. For a long time he needed to use an oxygen pump, but he hasn’t needed that for a few months, and it looks like that big machine will soon be out of our house. Hopefully before Christmas, because we’ve got a busy month coming up.

All the difficulty he endured in his first year seems far away, now. Michael is a tough and resilient little guy. When presented with a difficult situation, he either shrugs and keeps going, or he finds another path. That’s a pretty good model to live by.

Jan '13, M smile
December, 2013

August, 2014

October, 2014

November 21, 2014